Monday 10 April 2017

Motivated to work hard

Last week, my husband and I brought my elder Son, Peter to shop for groceries. Once or twice a week for we will shop for our groceries as such we will buy quite a number of things per trip. During this trip, we bought pears, Milo, pumpkins, milk, luncheon meat, button mushrooms and some other things that I can't remembered.

While we were shopping halfway, Peter asked me a question that actually expecting him to ask. He asked "Wow we need to buy so many things ya?". My respond to him was yes, we needed to buy. And I took this opportunity to educate him that all these things need money to buy. Money from working hard. I told him that for now he needs to work hard by studying or any other responsibilities that were given to him.

Actually I learnt to take this trip as an opportunity through my husband. Cause he actually saw what his family was going through (the need to meet basic needs such as paying of bills) that motivated him to study hard, scoring all the As in order to find a good job and earn money for his future family. This is really a strong motivation from within and not because of outside stressors which can be easily fade away when circumstances changes. Thought it was just a simple shopping trip that night but I think it rang a bell in Peter that he needs to be responsible by working hard.

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